Friday, January 20, 2006

The Mother of All Train Tunnels

So, the boys have been sick all day. Which means they are clingy and want me to play with them constantly. They wanted a Megabloks tunnel for their Duplo train set. So, since I was not allowed to do anything else, I built them this, using almost all of their Megabloks. I had forgotten about it until Mama Steph glanced into the playroom this evening and was stunned by it. It is quite the feat of patience and engineering. Wonder if we could build our new church building this way??? Anyway, Steph took this pictures, so thanks and credit to her.

Meanwhile, Chas is yelling at the laptop, which Steph is on, "Turn off, 'Puter!" He wants more attention. Now, I realize I'm kind of complaining about all of this, but let's face it. There are far worse ways to spend a day than cuddling, snuggling, reading to and building giant train tunnels (then tearing them down and rebuilding them) with the world's most wonderful boys.

1 comment:

BetterLater said...

I'm waiting for the boys to convince you to build the Mega Bloks wall that forever traps you in the playroom with them.