Sunday, January 15, 2006

Good Day, Sunshine

So after 27 straight days of measurable rain, the sun came out today. I had been bitching and moaning about the rain, but I find myself oddly disturbed by this sudden change. For one thing, we were only 6 days away from tying an all-time record for consecutive days with measurable rain. For another, well, the forecasters say after this it's at least another two weeks solid of rain. Which means Mother Nature is just being a tease.

This picture is the boys with their beloved train table. It's one of the few lately in which Eddie is not saying "cheeeeese" and showing off a somewhat deranged, open-mouthed grin. This morning Chas did not want to get up to go to church. He clung onto his pajamas and cried when we left them home. Smart kid.

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