Monday, January 09, 2006

Hey, Honey, Baby!!!

So yesterday, after a grueling church meeting and lunch at Chevy's, Eddie points to me and calls me "Baby, "then points to Steph and tells her she's "Honey." Which is pretty danged observant because, though I hadn't really noticed it before, she calls me "Baby" and I call her "Honey." But I'm not sure our son should be calling either one of us that. Hmmm.

Meanwhile, they both have colds, Chas a little worse off than his brother. I HATE it when they're sick. Arrgh!!! Sudden wave of tired just washed over me. Don't want to be witty or even lamely amusing (or amusingly lame). Must stop now. Would give $50 for a good, solid nap right now, which, if you know how cheap I am, is pretty amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

$50? Cheap, given that people with young children never have two minutes to rub together under any circumstances. I keep thinking how a friend of mine described life with two kids thusly: "It's like running a relay race, only you keep passing the baton to yourself." But take heart, the cold and flu season has passed the halfway point! -- RD