Friday, January 06, 2006

I'm so excited! It's my favorite!

These are some of Eddie's new favorite words, but he tosses around the word favorite a bit indiscriminately. So far his favorite color has gone from red to green to orange. And he's excited by just about everything. At least he's happy.

Chas, meantime, has learned the power of "Please, oh, please!" It's usually part of a request for chocolate milk. Man, this kid is good. Gotta watch him.

Oh, and another thing. We got them pull-ups. They don't want to wear them. In fact, today, Eddie insisted on running around "snakkid" and then took a dump. In the kitchen. On the floor. Then he went about his playing, completely oblivious to the party foul. One more reason to keep their pants on them. Sigh. I don't think I'm disciplined enough for this whole potty training drama. I mean, if I wait long enough, won't they just start doing it themselves? At least by high school??

1 comment:

BetterLater said...

RE: Potty Training.

Regrettably, toddlers are not enough like dogs for us to use the crate method.