Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I take it all back

So tonight, I'm feeling more like I would enjoy having a job outside the house. I'll change my mind, I'm sure, tomorrow. But tonight I'm irritated by life.

I love my boys. I wouldn't trade them for the world. But sometimes I feel like I've traded in my old life for one in the remedial lane. I mean, if you like being a Mom, the world sort of looks at you like you're stupid. And I include myself in "the world" at least sometimes. Especially now. Who in the hell could love this?!?!?!

Ahh. I shouldn't blog when I'm pissy like this. I should engage in my other passtime, posting snarky comments on The News Tribune's website using ridiculous pseudonyms.

And, to top it off, I have to go in Thursday for a CT scan of this bump on my skull. (Had an x-ray of it Monday.) It's been there for years, but I got it in my fool head that it's getting bigger. Sad, but true, I'm kind of excited about it -- another afternoon doing something other than arguing with almost-three-year-olds. My bump is itching now. Must know I'm talking about it.

1 comment:

BetterLater said...

Never blog angry, baby. Of course, that means you'd never be able to blog after putting our infernal children to bed.