Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Potty training: It's not for Sissies

So Eddie starts ripping off his PJs this morning and runs in to sit on the potty chair. Nothing. But I decide to put him in big boy undies. This actually works for a few hours until he suddenly announces, "I peed on the floor." Sure enough, there is a lovely puddle in the hallway. As I am discovering this, he is running off to the potty chair and sitting down. He does not pull down his underpants, which, to be fair, are already soaked anyway so it's not like it was going to make any difference. Alas, he had emptied his bladder in the hall. This whole potty training thing is going to be a real bitch.

Upchuck update: So far, so good. Meaning no more vomitus from either boy. By evening time, Eddie was even up for eating. And eating. And eating. Some macaroni and cheese and three bowls of cereal. It would be enough to make me yark on a good day but kids are weird.

Meanwhile, Chas is convinced that his new Duplo James train needs new batteries. He got ahold of a screwdriver and was trying to loosen screws on the bottom of it so he could insert said batteries. This is a problem because the train does not actually take batteries. He doesn't believe me. Tell him a fat guy in a red suit broke into our house, ate some cookies and gave some carrots to his flying reindeer while leaving him and his brother a bounty of toys and he accepts it willingly. But try telling him his Duplo trains don't take batteries and suddenly you're a deceptive jerk. The kid has issues.

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