Monday, December 26, 2005

More more more

"I need more presents, Mommy!"

Yes, opening presents for hours on Christmas is not enough. They need more. I need my head examined for overindulging them so much. But then they start singing the Jay Jay the Jet Plane song and I know I'd do it all over again. Sigh.

Anyway, last night we went to Stacey's house to visit with new cousin Raelee. While there, Chas' eye got swollen, red and obviously itchy and he seemed to develop a hive on his chin. The only thing I can think of is that it was a reaction to their dog, but that seems unusual. Anyway, I was missing my Benadryl so we came home and gave it to him, then plopped them in the tub. Shortly after they went to sleep, he woke up crying and coughing, in the midst of an obvious asthma attack. What's up with that? Is it just over-tiredness coupled with a minor cold virus?

OK, Eddie is now "flying" his Savannah plane and repeating over and over "Sonic boom. Sonic boom." (Savannah is supersonic.) Now Chas is doing it. Guess I'll keep them both another day.

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