Monday, March 06, 2006

I want to live here with the puppy.

We visited Auntie Cathy tonight to see Pink Grandma's new puppy which she apparently tried to kill via neglect in its first day with her. I do not see a happy outcome for this dog who is adorable, friendly and doomed. Anyway, the boys love him and didn't want to leave Cathy's house. Poor Cathy. She's going to have to get up to take the puppy out to take little piddles all night. She already had to clean shit off of it. And in the end, my mother will either kill it or give it away. Hopefully not to someone who will consider it a delicacy, but you never know. The sad thing is that I knew from the moment I heard this plan that it was going to be a train wreck. But the reality is always a little worse than you anticipated. She left him cooped up in his crate all day because he couldn't go into the nursing home to visit my brother. He pooped in there and I'm hoping against hope that she didn't Bad Dog him for it because I'm sure it was a last resort.

If Chas didn't have allergies and asthma, we'd have a new pet right now I'm guessing. Meantime, do I have a great family or what? They somehow managed to find a way for me to actually be grateful for his asthma and allergies.

Anyway, I didn't bring the camera, but Steph took a dark pic with her cell phone of Chas bonding with the little Fur-ball. You can see it on her blog at

1 comment:

BetterLater said...

Thanks for the plug!