Tuesday, March 07, 2006

On a happier note....

We just got back from going to see Oscar before his trip to the vet. Pink Grandma was there, too, but the boys were understandably more thrilled with the dog. I'm posting some pics, including this close-up showing Oscar's standard expression. He's clearly a little nutter and should fit right in. Meanwhile, after thinking things were going great as far as allergy boy goes.... Chas developed a single, small hive on his forehead where Oscar licked him. Weird. But if he can handle being around dogs as long as they don't lick him, well, things could be worse.

1 comment:

BetterLater said...

I don't usually like dogs. But, for whatever reason, I really like this one. Don't get me wrong: I still want to wash my hands after petting it. But it doesn't have to be immediately. :)

Seeing the boys with Oscar is just so sweet. They really love that dog, and that dog, like them, makes it hard to do anything but smile.

Unless it pees or poops inappropriately. Same goes for the boys.