Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What Mommy really says is

"Bite me."

OK, let me start with some background. For a few weeks now, I have amused the boys by just randomly saying, "Ca! Ca! Ca!" at varying speeds and pitches. It's a blatant ripoff of Ellen Degeneres and the boys find it absolutely hilarious. (Though they don't enjoy Ellen, so for a specific audience of 2 I am more amusing. Ha!) Anyway, several days ago we were playing the "what does blank" say game. What does a cow say? Moo. And so on. So I asked them what Mommy says. "Ca!" came the reply. I was charmed and I felt all warm and fuzzy that they remembered our little sound game so well and associated me with happiness and gales of laughter etc. etc. etc. Until yesterday.

Yesterday morning, we played the game again, with all the expected results. Then I added something to the mix. "What does Mama say?" Without batting an eye, Eddie cocked his head and said, "Mama say 'I love my boys.'" Suddenly, Mommy saying "Ca" pales in comparison. And I tried it several times yesterday and again today. Same results. So Steph is known for expressions of love and affection. I, on the other hand, am the ca-ca mom.

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