Tuesday, February 28, 2006

That kid took my Clifford!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Went to the library today, or as the boys think of it, the DVD and video place with a lot of books in the lobby. Anyway, at the end of our visit, I let them select a couple of DVDs. They were having a tough time when the librarian who knows and likes them (though I'm not sure why) brought out a brand new Clifford DVD. She asked if they liked Clifford and told them they could be the first to see this DVD and how neat it was. Eddie shook his head no, while Chas expressed mild interest.

Chas looked at it, then handed it back. This went on a couple of times while another kid ran up and said, "I want the new Clifford DVD!!!" So I asked Chas if he wanted it and he said no, then handed it to the little boy. I was a bit embarrassed at their ingratitude over the librarian's gesture, but that would pale in comparison to what came next.

As we got into the van, the other kid and his mother were getting into their car parked next to us. Chas looked over and shrieked, "THAT KID TOOK MY CLIFFORD!" He then began sobbing and screaming this. The mother looked at me and said, "He changed his mind, huh?" I told her not to worry about it and I loaded the boys in and drove off with an angry Chas, tears pouring down his cheeks, screaming about the great injustice perpetrated upon him by "that kid."

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