Thursday, June 01, 2006

Vaccines and doctors and earwax...

OK, so for the past week or so, Sir Eddie has been complaining sporadically about having water in his ears. "Oh! Oh! My ear has water in it! Get it out! Get it out!" (His cousin in Hawaii once had a bug come out of her ear, but I wasn't expecting anything as dramatic as that -- just perhaps some badly impacted earwax, maybe a small toy or a bean shoved up there by his brother.) So yesterday I took him to the doctor. He sobbed at being called back to the exam room, which is a first. But when the doctor finished looking in the first ear he quietly turned his head so she could look in the other -- a very sweet little move. Looking into his ears she saw... nothing. Well, there was some wax covering his eardrum on the right, but she got a little scooper thing and got a bunch of it out. It was soft, which was good, she said. All I know is that this morning Eddie literally woke up singing: "My earrrr... is feeeeeelin'" (at this point I'm cringing...) "Better!" Thank heavens.

Anyway, today, in order to do some work for the hospital next week, I had to go get a TB test and MMR vaccine (totally pointless, but hopefully it won't kill me.) The boys came along and were intrigued to see Mommy get a shot. A bit scared, but clearly relieved when neither of them was summoned to the nurse. Anyway, the shot was in my left arm. And I can definitely feel it. In my right arm. If I think about it, I can also feel it in my left arm, but I suspect it's either all in my head or just the way my arms feel at the end of a long day.

And so my sore arms and I say good night and good luck.

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