Monday, June 19, 2006

This is a game and the game is over.

This evening at the Target Train, the boys were as violent and physical as I've ever seen them. And they laughed the whole damn time. I swear, the other parents must have thought I let them watch professional wrestling or something. The highlight was when Eddie would pull Chas to the ground, then stand over him and jump up, landing knees-first on the prone Chas. Chas responded to this, appropriately enough, with hysterical laugher and cries of "Again! Again!"

After several minutes, Eddie must have gotten tired. He walked away, telling Chas, "This is a game. And the game is over."

1 comment:

BetterLater said...

I actually heard one parent whispering to another, "They're kind of aggressive." I'm sure she meant it in a good way.