Thursday, June 22, 2006

Most. Excellent. Train track. Ever.

So Chas was verry clear on what he wanted to "earn" yesterday by going poopy: Train track including a turntable. This is what I made with it. It may not be the best track ever, but it's pretty danged cool if I do say so myself. Right now Eddie is singing and playing about trains puffing along, being clever, etc. It's very sweet that every night Eddie has to make sure Percy is safely tucked into his roundhouse.

s for potty training, I think it's going OK. Except that Eddie doesn't really go in the potty unless there's a prize he wants. Hmm.

Meanwhile, I must do some research on storage options because I am taking an ungodly amount of photos with my new camera. Excuse me, my bitchin' new camera. I could certainly start taking them at something less than 8 megapixels, but I have a coupon for two free poster sized prints that expires on July 1 so until then, I'm shootin' large.

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