Thursday, August 28, 2008

If only they were old enough to vote...

We stopped by a small campaign event to get the boys' picture taken (again) with my old boss, Chris Gregoire. She did a masterful job of pretending to recognize/remember me, which is pretty important for a politician.
Oh, and the boys got their hair cut the next day, I swear.


Pez said...

Delurking to comment...

Maybe she did recognize you (but could not remember your name?).

My dad was a politician and had a great memory for faces but a terrible one for names. :)

BTW, I'd vote for her if I could (resident alien here). Her opponent goes to my church and I am sick of seeing all the bumper stickers in the parking lot there. Ugh.

MommyCheryl said...

I suppose it's possible... but I also imagine it would be a stretch. When I worked for her I was always in a suit, makeup applied etc. Suffice it to say, I was not looking much like that on this day.

But it's true that politicians have extraordinary abilities when it comes to remembering people. Myself? I'm lucky if I recognize my next-door-neighbor if she's anywhere other than in her yard.