Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Today I gave a small child a bloody nose.

Not a mean kid or anything. He's a perfectly nice child, as far as I can tell. His only mistake was in landing on a t-ball team for which I am the assistant coach. Today was our first practice and I was tossing balls (gently, but clearly not gently enough) at kids to catch. He didn't. His nose, however, stopped the ball quite well so no one had to run after it. My first instinct, which I followed, was to hug him. Upon reflection, this was probably not real "coachy" behavior. But he's 5 and I'm a better mom than a coach anyway. I also grabbed a cold pack I had packed just in case. I helped him hold that on his nose. I felt terrible until I saw the blood. Then I felt worse. I mean really, the first freakin' practice? His dad tried nobly to make me feel better. But come on. I just bloodied your kid's nose. And right after joking about bringing the high heat. Oy.

The sad thing is that I'd hit Eddie in the nose with a ball during a pre-practice session of catch. His nose didn't bleed at least, but clearly I'm doing this wrong.

So before the next practice, I need a new cold pack. (I tossed the one that had blood on it -- go ahead, call me wasteful.) And rubber gloves.

1 comment:

Barbara Clements said...

Hey, but at least you're out there coaching! Which is better than the other 80 to 90 percent of us losers on the sidelines!