Thursday, April 20, 2006

You like me! You really, really like me!

Apologies to Sally Field. Anyway, for several days, Chas has been telling me, "I don't yike you. I yike Mama." I admit that it bugs me the teensiest bit. This morning, he hugged me and said, "I like you so much." Cue the harps and the angels. He's over it now. The only people he likes are his Mama, his Auntie Cathy and his cousin Gavin. But I know the truth....

Meanwhile, another new development. The little fart told me I was scary to him because I told him "no." Later he said I was scary because I told him he could do something he wanted to do "in a little bit." It seems he has figured out that we avoid things that scare him. So he's going to be scared of being told no or wait. Sigh. But you gotta admire the devious thinking.

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