Saturday, April 29, 2006

Rain, rain, go away!

The boys were very upset with me today because I was either unable or, more likely in their minds, unwilling to stop the rain from falling and interrupting their plans to play in the sandbox with their new sand sifters. "Rain, go away!" they yelled out the window at one point. At other times, they simply pleaded, "It's not raining!" On the one hand, it's nice that they think I'm so powerful. On the other hand, I suspect it also makes them think I'm rather mean about it all.

Meanwhile, Chas (and Eddie, too, for that matter) likes me again. So of course, he says he doesn't like his Mama. Apparently he is a one-woman boy. Hmm. Steph doesn't seem to mind it yet. But trust me, it gets a bit grating after a week or so being constantly told "I don't like you, Mama."

And I'm not sure if it's the rain or what, but I could swear Chas seems a bit depressed. He gets all teary for no real reason. Actually it's been happening since I had a migraine on Thursday and it was perfectly sunny then. Gotta keep an eye on that. Speaking of the migraine, the boys brought me some "get well" artwork. I thanked them and told them it helped. This afternoon I was tired and tried to get them to let me lay down on the couch in the playroom, telling them I didn't feel too good. Pretty soon Eddie had enough and went looking for a cure. "Where are your get well pictures, Mommy?"

Rambling? You bet. But it's a posting. That's more than I expected out of myself this week.

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