Saturday, April 07, 2007

Clue #42 That You Won't be Needing to Write an Acceptance Speech for (or even pick out a new outfit to attend) The Annual Parent of the Year Banquet.

In this section, we discuss parenting the food allergic child. Badly. When your child, hypothetically named Chas, has an allergy to peanuts and EGG WHITES, and you still opt to have him handle hard boiled eggs to dye them in celebration of the resurrection of Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ, it is possible that he will come in contact with cracked eggs. (Since he is, hypothetically 4 as is his hypothetical brother, Eddie, the necessity to treat eggs with some degree of finesse is completely lost on him.) When the result is a hive on his temple, it's a good sign that you can pretty much kiss off Parent of the Year. Again.

Please note, however, that while you may not need to find something appropriate to wear to an awards banquet, you may still need to buy something to impress the judge at your CPS hearing. I'm just saying.

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