Friday, December 22, 2006

What does s-h-u-t-t-h-e-f-u-p spell, Mommy?

So Eddie's latest obsession is words and spelling them out. He wants to read so badly it's killing me. Every sign, every word every letter. He reads them all and askes, "What does that spell, Mommy?" This was cute the first 48 hours or so. Now it's just annoying. Especially since he has a tendency to run words together and start in the middle if we passed something in the car and he missed the beginning. Like if a sign says "Tacoma Next Exit," he'll ask, "m-a-n-e-x-t-e-x-i-t, what does that spell?"

The way I see it, either he learns to read before Kindergarten or it's going to be a looong year and a half.

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