Thursday, November 13, 2008

Body image and the 5-year-old male.

Tonight I read a book with the boys called "I Like Myself." Right away, Eddie said, "Well, there are some things about the way my body is that I don't really like." Oooh, I'm thinking. He's already got serious body image issues. Must be gentle here to draw him out and have a meaningful discussion about whatever is weighing on his mind. Is he unhappy that his brother is taller? Does he want to be faster or stronger? Whatever it is, I'm going to parent-up and come up with some insightful and helpful discussion points that will leave him happy, well-adjusted and confident throughout his life.

"What is it about your body that you don't like?" I asked.
"My hair," he said. Hmm. Maybe he wants brown hair like Chas. Or he didn't like the haircut he got Monday.

"What would you like to be different about your hair?"
"I would like it to be orange."
Huh. Well, orange IS is favorite color. We read more book and I brought it up again, figuring maybe he'd been evasive and unsure of whether he wanted to really open up.

"Is your hair color the only thing you don't like about your body?"
"No," he said. "I also don't like my legs."
Aha! We're on to something, I thought. Until he elaborated.
"I wish they were turquoise."
He'd also like blue, or maybe red arms. His back would be much better in another color, maybe yellow. In all, I can safely say, he wants more of a rainbow look to his body.

I don't even know where to begin with this. He's just going to have to find a good therapist when he's older.

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