I got the boys a cheap tent the other day and told them they could spend the night outside in it. Whoo to the hoo. So last night they very excitedly got ready for bed, hauled 42,000 stuffed animals out (I exaggerate only slightly) and climbed in. Of course, they needed a light -- though it was really only twilight outside and they could see perfectly well. So we obliged with a camping lantern. The biggest problem was our pain the tushie rear neighbor who had his back hoe or something running. Still, they settled nicely and Mama and I headed to the living room to watch The Devil Wears Prada -- which we'd downloaded about a year ago and finally had a chance to watch.
About 10 minutes in, we saw a flash in the windows. Uh-oh. Lightning or fireworks? Definitely lightning. Let's bring the fellas in. By the time we reached the hallway, Eddie was there to greet us. He wasn't scared -- no way. It was too cold out. That's his story and he's sticking to it. So they got into our bed after a brief try at their own overheated bedroom. (Moms have A.C. and took pity.)
Today I got them out their old slip n slide. On their own, they improvised and ran to the backyard to run a hose down their regular slide. I added their pool to the bottom and voila! Instant water park, according to Eddie and Chas. We had a playdate last week with friends who have a gorgeous in-ground swimming pool set in an equally gorgeous yard. Eddie and Chas said we should invite them over to see our "water slide." Hmm. Somehow, I think they will be less than wowed.