Saturday, March 24, 2007

Room to grow.

So a couple of months ago, someone suggested that I turn the boys' bedroom into my office and "oasis" because they didn't need a dedicated playroom. "It's not their house, it's your house. They're just living there temporarily," she said. I was, of course horrified at the attitude.

But we've started looking at bunk beds etc. And moving new toys into their playroom. And Steph raised an interesting thought... Maybe we move their beds into the playroom, move the couch into what is now their room, turning it into an office/study/craft room for all of us (their computer will stay there, too.) We move the rocking chair into the space where my computer sits now, turning that into a story time corner. And, well, it's tempting. Very tempting. I don't want to take space from them -- I mean, it IS their house. And I'm living out my childhood fantasies by having a dedicated playroom. But geez, it does seem like a better use of space. And they do have the playroom, a bedroom, a good-sized chunk of the living room all dedicated to them and their stuff. Plus, they spend a goodly portion of their time in the parts of the house that are ostensibly Steph's and mine. So I think we'll give it a try.

But the office is still gonna have a Cars/Thomas theme. 'Cause that's how I roll.


Jennifer G. said...

I'm trying to figure out how to make room for Baby, since my office is future Baby's room, and I have no extra rooms to put my office in -- not good since I work from home. Will be eager to see how it works out for you all!

MommyCheryl said...

Not as eager as we are. I think it will have to be done in stages as they are not giving up their room easily. And Chas keeps grabbing paint rollers and threatening to start painting his room on his own.

From what I can tell, the baby will require at least 1.5 times as much room as you estimate and/or allocate. Their stuff tends to expand to fit available space and then some. Einstein should really have looked into this.

But they're such charming little chimps, you don't really mind finding their stuff in "your" space. At least that's what I tell myself.

For now, my office is part of the living room. And though I complain about it mightily, it does work OK most of the time.