Saturday, September 09, 2006

Who the hell is Halloween for, anyway?

OK, I've known from the beginning that I had a limited number of years to pick their Halloween costumes. So year one, they were adorable as giraffes in Noah's ark. When they were 2, oh Lordy they were so cute as Minnesota Twins, even though Eddie was a very sick little ballplayer. And last year? Last year the Wright Brothers soared off the cute scale.

And somehow, I deluded myself into thinking that this year I'd get to pick their costumes again. Maybe Thing 1 and Thing 2. Or Buzz Lightyear and Woody. I was thinking hard and getting kind of excited about the whole process. Then they saw a damned Costumes Express catalog. And inside was a Thomas costume. And now they are both stubborning clinging to the thought that they will be Thomas. I briefly got excited when I saw that All Aboard Toys is getting a James costume. But I quickly realized that forcing one boy to be James would just be cruel. Percy, maybe, but not James.

Don't they know they are sacrificing a chance at originality and self-expression at the altar of Thomas? Worse, it's MY originality and self-expression they're sacrificing. And they aren't even old enough to properly experience any guilt trip I might be inclined to send them on. Motherhood is a mutha sometimes.

1 comment:

BetterLater said...

Here is the boys' response. First, they were focused mostly on the pictures as I read them your blog entry. Show me Thomas! Show me James!

I just wan' be Thomas.

I jus be Thomas.

I do Percy, right?

Well, not so much. But being Thomas will be great. For you.