Monday, July 17, 2006

Something is scaring the sheet (and blanket) out of Chas

OK, I'm sure that everyone expects a post about the cruise. But really, I'm all talked out. It was awesome. It was amahzing. It was, on one night at least, a puke-fest for the boys and very nearly for me. (On a storm scale of 1 to 10 it was a 7 said the captain. Which was about 5 too high for my stomach.) Anyway, I'll post some photos of us (and the boys' donor-sibling Casey who we met on board along with her moms, one of whom is in the photo.) I'll also post the shots Steph took of her three seasick family members. (Thank God she's got a gut of steel.)

OK, now that we have that out of the way, the latest trauma around here is that Chas seems to have developed a fear of sheets and blankets. He keeps saying there's "some-sin" in them. I told him to go to bed the other night and he stood there looking at hsi bed and saying "I try." And try he did, putting a foot on the bed only to pull it off, then trying again etc. Clean sheets and a blanket seem to have done the trick last night -- but then he wet the bed. So he gets more clean sheets tonight. I'm hoping this doesn't become a nightly requirement. Eddie, for some reason, has decided that what Chas is afraid of in the blanket is not a monster or a spider but a kitty. As in baby cat. I have no idea what the hell is wrong with my boys.


BetterLater said...

Wow. Those pictures really capture the patheticness of the stormy night. But you need to put up more "better days" ones so people don't get the wrong idea. The cruise really was great. And if you weren't heaving, The Night of Vomit was kind of entertaining. Sad, and smelly, but entertaining.

MommyCheryl said...

Yup, I'm actually bummed that I missed it. If I hadn't been sick, it woulda been fun. Next time we try going out on deck.