Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Freakin' Christmas (a couple of days later..)

Eddie was thrilled with "James's Ruhventures."
Getting Take Along James Goes Buzz Buzz Buzz gave Chas quite a thrill.
Eddie Gives Pink Grandma a thorough checkup.

Chas checks Pink Grandma's heart.
So Christmas went about as well as I have any right to expect. The boys loved their toys, dinner went well (slightly burnt dressing notwithstanding) and best of all, no "Christmas is over" depression. I got a mild twinge Christmas night when Eddie asked if Christmas was over.

Oh, and the boys were extraordinarily charming, running to greet and hug their grandma and grandpa when they arrived. On Christmas Eve, they were stunningly patient as all the other kids opened presents and we sort of forgot to get them something to open. (Chas asked very nicely if they had presents, too.)

The first present opened -- Thomas bikes were just out in the open -- was a doctor kit. Chas opened it and said, "Oh no. I don't like this." We laughed our butts off. Turns out he DOES like it, but immediately thought it was some sort of cruel Santa trick to get him a doctor's visit on Christmas.

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